Friday, October 9, 2020

OctPoWriMo, Day 9

I have arrived at my cabin in the mountains. My first travel since Doug died; my first travel alone in... man, that would've been before my first marriage, so... early 90s? It's getting me all in my thoughts and feels, so today's prompt is perfectly timed.

Today's prompt: Shifting from your head to your heart. Write for five minutes focusing on your head, your thoughts. Then write for five minutes focusing on your heart, your feelings. Did you notice a difference?  What does that look and feel like to shift from your head to your heart? Shift again and be silly with it, humor always lightens things up. Remember to keep your heart in your creativity and everything you do.

Word Prompts: Thoughts, feelings, heartfelt, practical, whimsical Poetry Type: Loop Poetry, Palindrome (I went with Loop Poetry)

Solitude... Fun... Happiness... Fear

Sometimes, solitude is nice
Nice girls don't have much fun
Fun is not happiness
Happiness is a warm gun*

Mountain air, crisp and cool and clean
Clean my dark and heavy soul
Soul mates are made, not born
Born to love and lose takes a toll

Sometimes, solitude breeds fear
Fear of you forgetting we're apart
Apart from everything, nights are long; days are empty
Empty hands, empty bed, empty heart

* Apologies to the Beatles, but c'mon - I had to do it


  1. So sorry for your recent loss.
    Kathleen, your poem got me in "the feels"as you say, especially your last two lines. Great job of creating the Loop Poem and following the rhyme scheme. Thank you.
